During the previous visit to the Ararat marz in late January the team of Hanganak met with beneficiaries living in Artashat and nearby villages. This visit aimed to meet with the beneficiaries living in Masis town and the surrounding villages. Doctor Lilia Sargsyan also joined our trip, and the Hanganak team was warmly welcomed by Marcela Sargsyan, the responsible nurse of the marz.
We visited 9 beneficiaries, seven of whom live in Masis town, and two in nearby villages. All of them were provided with food and medicines, and medical workers conducted medical check-ups and consultations. Lina Grigoryan, the project coordinator, interviewed the beneficiaries according to the developed questionnaire. Generally, the beneficiaries answered the questions with pleasure, trying to provide accurate information.
Six out of nine beneficiaries visited live in rented accommodations, mainly with relatives or friends. Two beneficiaries found temporary shelter in a former kindergarten in Masis. The situation was distressing: basic living conditions were lacking. They were told that they had to leave the building by the 1st of March. Another beneficiary lives in the Evangelical Church in Masis. She informed us that 17 more citizens of Artsakh live there. The conditions were quite normal, the room was heated, and there was a separate kitchen and dining room. As we were told, they were provided with accommodation without time restrictions: they can stay there as long as they wish. So, it is very encouraging. The responsible nurse Marcela Sargsyan will continue to visit the rest of the beneficiaries in the Ararat marz to distribute food and medicine.
Please take a look at the photo gallery for more details
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