The next psychological group session took place according to the schedule. Due to heavy rain, the beneficiaries were late, which also caused the training to start late. However, this allowed Hanganak team to discuss future plans with the experts. The fact that the main participants of the sessions will not provide the full picture, i.e. assessing their mental state and level of depression, we will not have a characteristic indicator for all beneficiaries, resulted in conducting screening for all the beneficiaries to determine the level of depression and general mental health.
The total number of beneficiaries of the Elderly Program is 320, of which 277 are included in Stepanakert program, and 43 – in Askeran extension. It was decided to conduct the research in Stepanakert first, explained by the proximity of the office. To start with, a training course will be organized for the medical staff to train them as interrogators for data collection. The latter will conduct a survey, each with its own beneficiaries. The collected data will be processed at the Empathy Mental Health Center and the results will be presented to Hanganak NGO. The results will then be discussed jointly and the number of beneficiaries with psychological problems will be determined, together with the scope and nature of the psychological services needed.
A lot of responsible work must be done and quite extensive. It is inspiring on the one hand and binding on the other. It was decided that the questionnaire will be prepared in the near future and another 2-3 days will be needed for the training of the medical staff.
The next psychological session was quite interesting. The experts used new tricks to reveal the personal characteristics of the participants and the behaviors developed during life. After the session, the participants stayed quite long in the office, shared their impressions and discussed the political situation in Armenia.
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