In April, due to the lack of funding, the beneficiaries of Hanganak did not receive the necessary medicines. As for food, the extensive humanitarian aid provided in March was enough for April as well. Therefore, the main needs of the beneficiaries were related to medicines.
In April, the organization continued negotiations to receive state support. At the same time, the AWWA/Hanganak NGO Task Force continued discussions of the new budget for 2023. Considering the successful completion of the first quarter of 2023, the discussions concerned the second to the fourth quarters.
To the delight of the Hanganak team, and especially the beneficiaries of the organization, both the first and second negotiations had positive results. The AWWA Board members unanimously decided to continue funding the Elderly Project in the amount presented by the AWWA/Hanganak NGO Task Force after the last changes in the budget. Taking into account the state support also, which will be about 15% of the total cost of the project; it is safe to say that the Elderly Project will be successfully continued in 2023.
This is an excellent opportunity, on behalf of the staff and beneficiaries of the Hanganak NGO, to express our deep gratitude to the Armenian Women’s Welfare Association (AWWA) for the fact that for over 19 years they have been supporting the most vulnerable group of the population of Artsakh – the lonely elderly.
Today is the 143rd day of the blockade. The staff of Hanganak NGO gathered in the office and set to work with great enthusiasm. Now they have an answer to the question of our beneficiaries, when they will have the necessary medicines. “The medicines have been ordered, you will receive them soon,” the nurses answer numerous phone calls.
The medicines are already being provided. In this sad reality, it is a ray of sunshine in the darkness.
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