At the end of July, the regular monthly meeting of Hanganak NGO took place. Nurses and social workers submitted reports on their work in accordance with the accepted procedure. The submitted reports were supplemented by the reports of the physician and the accountant, which compiled the general monthly report of the organization.
In response to the recent challenges, new reporting forms have been developed for the project coordinator, physician, health care providers, and social workers. According to these reports, it will be possible to calculate the workload of each employee and the changes in the quality of life of the beneficiaries depending on the provided services. As for long-term evaluation, it will be possible to correctly interpret morbidity and mortality rates, depending on the quality of services.
Project Manager Dr. Gohar Hovhannisyan introduced new forms of reporting to the staff, discussed in detail the specifics of completing them and the importance of avoiding possible inaccuracies. The new forms will be released in August and finalized at the end of the testing phase.
The nurses introduced the beneficiaries they served, paying special attention to the elderly with health problems. The needs of displaced and homeless beneficiaries were discussed. Special mention was made of Arina Firyan, whose house collapsed due to the bomb blast and she has no shelter yet.
Social workers serve 34 neediest beneficiaries. They provided information about them, noting that there are no changes in their health condition. The work done was evaluated as satisfactory.
No new cases of Covid-19 have been reported. There has been one death after a long illness. Winter blankets sent from the United States have reached Yerevan. They are intended for displaced beneficiaries.