Psychological support service launched in “Hanganak” NGO

The need for psychological services has always been discussed, taking into account the social, economic and health status of the beneficiaries. Special psychological services were needed especially after the war, when the number of beneficiaries grew by lonely elderly people displaced from the occupied territories. The 2022 Request for Proposal introduced psychological services as an integral part of the services provided by the organization. The Project Proposal was discussed at the AWWA Board and approved at the end of March. Thus, in April, a Cooperation Agreement was signed between Hanganak NGO and Empathy Mental Health Center. According to the Agreement the specialists are obliged to provide individual and group psychological services to the organization’s beneficiaries.

It was decided to hold group discussions every Thursday at 14:00 with 6-12 participants. Experts ensure that the best results are registered in such groups. In parallel, the specialists will provide individual psychological counseling for the most vulnerable beneficiaries at home, taking into consideration their preferences.

According to the agreement and the pre-arranged schedule, the first group psychological session took place on April 21 in the office of the organization. The center also suggested using their office as a meeting place to bring some freshness to the beneficiaries’ daily lives, especially, when they have various psychological tools to work with the beneficiaries there.

The first meeting was informative, but to the surprise of the experts, the beneficiaries were quite open and ready to cooperate. Most of the participants were displaced from Shushi, who had a lot to say. Everyone was given as much time as they were ready to take. The meeting was held in a very warm and atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding. The participants left the meeting that lasted for more than 2 hours with a feeling of satisfaction and a great desire to meet again.

After the beneficiaries left, team members had time to discuss the arrangement in the office to create the best suitable environment. The best option turned to be a circular arrangement of comfortable chairs, without tables and other additional furniture, which could impede direct communication. Creating such an environment in the office of the organization is not a problem, as it is quite spacious and comfortable. The next meeting will be held on April 28.

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